A protection order can help you to stay safe from someone who has done you harm. It is an option when you are a victim of a crime in Pennsylvania. There are guidelines to the process, and you should be aware of how things work before you apply for the protection...
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Firm News
What happens if I fall behind on alimony payments?
When the court orders you to make alimony payments, it is a legal requirement that you do so. If you fall behind or stop paying, you are in violation of an order, and the court will likely step in. Pennsylvania law allows a judge to take several different approaches...
Adjusting parenting time to reflect the new normal
There’s no doubt these are challenging times for all of us. Divorced and separated parents have to face the additional struggles that our new normal can have on their parenting time. Changes in schools and work schedules can be challenging. You may need to seek a...
3 Tips for making your co-parenting plan work
It’s not uncommon for emotions to be running high in the aftermath of divorce. After all, you and your ex likely didn’t separate because of your ability to get along. But while there may still be lingering resentments, it’s vital to set aside your past differences...
To take care of your children, you must take care of yourself
Young children are very impressionable. They see what you do and hear what you say. When a couple fights and argues, the kids are likely in hearing distance. Even if you are trying to shield your children from you and your partner's spats, it is nearly impossible to...
Reasons to consider divorce mediation
Mediation is a negotiation technique used to form a mutually beneficial agreement. Divorcing spouses who need a mutual agreement that doesn't involve litigation may find mediation helpful. In this process, the spouses hire a third party to handle their separation...